The Town of Oakland is Conducting a Special Census
The April 2020 Census certified Oakland’s population at 8,936 residents.
With the growth of our community since April 2020, we project the current population to be just over 10,000 residents
The April 2020 Census certified Oakland’s population at 8,936 residents.
With the growth of our community since April 2020, we project the current population to be just over 10,000 residents
Why conduct a Special Census? There are two (2) main reasons: first to get an accurate count of our residents, especially related to age. How many school age children? How many senior citizens? This data helps the Town plan for parks, special recreation programs, and services provided by our Police and Fire Departments. We will also share this age data with local schools, both public and private.
The second reason is funding to provide the essential services of the Town. A city in Tennessee receives $166 annually for each resident from the State of Tennessee (State Shared Revenues). This money goes to both the General Fund and our State Street Aid Fund.
Below you will find a simple form to fill out. We are requesting the name, age, and sex of each individual at your address. This information will be confidential, and used only to tabulate totals.
For those homes that do not reposnd by mail or email, Census takesr will visit your address beginning late January though the end of February. It is very important that we count every resident of the Town of Oakland.
Together with the Board of Aldermen, we thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please call Town Hall at 901-465-8523 or email
Thank you for your cooperation as we gather this vital information. We may contact you to verify some data to assure an accurate census.
Street name only, no need for St., Rd., Cv., etc.
Please document everyone living at this address. If there is a separate address, or more than 6 persons, start a new form with the address. You can start a new form by pressing Submit and then refreshing the web page.
A Last Name is required for each resident.
Enter Age at last birthday using years only. For children under 1, use 1.
Enter (M)ale, (F)emale or (O)ther. No further options.
Oakland TN was established in 1830 on both sides of Stage Road, a road running from Memphis through Raleigh, through Oakland and on to Somerville. Dr. James A. Hunter erected the first house and he and his brothers opened the first dry goods store. By 1831, Oakland had enough residents for a post office.
This site was designed and developed by Thom Job